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Managing Tickets in Slack
Managing Tickets in Slack

How Agents can manage the full ticket lifecycle without leaving Slack

Written by Dan Bellenbaum
Updated over a week ago

If you created a ticket from the Request channel comment with a ticket emoji, Click 'reply' and you'll see the ticket info that the end user can see in this open channel:

If you created the ticket from a direct message, you'll only see that ticket in the Triage channel and in your Ravenna bot home messages section:

Next let's go to the triage channel, which should also have lit up when you created tickets, both from the request channel and the DM. As an agent, you'll always want to make sure you're going to the triage channel to manage tickets - You can't manage them from the request channel, as there is not ticket edit ability from this channel. Unlike the ticket in the request channel, when you go to the ticket thread in the triage channel you'll notice that you now have the ability to assign, edit, modify stages and more:

If you click 'Edit ticket' you'll see a form where you can modify fields. You can customize these forms and fields in the Ravenna app settings later:

If you click the 3 dots next to the stage drop-down you'll see options to view the ticket in the Ravenna web app, link back to the original thread in the request channel, or you can create a private channel conversation if this is a request you'd prefer to not have with the end user in public:

Click 'reply' to open the thread:

Now you can reply back to Peter with a public comment that will send back to him in the public channel that the message was originally received in:

This is what the message looks like to Peter. Peter also got a notification from Slack when this message was updated:

Want to make a comment as an agent that you want other agents to see - but don't want it to go to the end-user? No problem. Just use the :lock: emoji before your comment and it will make a private note. This shows to agents on the thread and will show in the triage channel, but doesn't show up to the end user in the request thread:

Typically these interactions will go back and forth until the issue is resolved. Once it's resolved, the Agent will click the ticket Status dropdown and select 'Resolved'. This then stamps the ticket for the agent and the end user to show that the issue was resolved:

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